In as much as Multi Treasure College is known for it’s academic offering, the school does not neglect the extra curricular activities as it places high value on sport, among other things . Students are frequently drilled with sporting activities. Aside the weekly exercise involving aerobic and varieties of games, the school organizes inter house competitions every two years featuring well coordinated games to the admirations of parents and other spectators. It is often said that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. The management structures sporting activities in such a way that all students keep fit while learning at the same time. There is a suitable game for every student, whether male or female.

Here in MTC, Curricular and extra curricular activities are arranged in a manner that none is done at the expense of the other.

A dedicated team among the staff, and sometimes experts from outside the school, help to groom the students with special sporting abilities. It is a case of well motivated staff members going extra miles to give each student a millage in preparation for their future careers.


  • Press / Debate club
  • Entrepreneur Club
  • Music Club
  • Jet Club